UniSense 联兴微系统科技股份有限公司成立于2006年7月, 致力于
1. 各式传感器芯片及相关封装产品的开发, 设计与制造 ; 包括温度,湿度,压力, 及各式运动传感器.
2. 各种传感器应用界面的设计, 开发, 应用发展 ; 以及各式传感器应用所需控制器的设计, 研发与生产.
虽然UniSense 联兴微系统是刚成立的一家新公司, 但是主要的团队成员在相关的领域及业界都具有先进的专业实力, 具有非常丰富的经验.
目前UniSense 联兴微系统科技除了提供压力, 温度, 湿度, 及多种传感器组件外, 也提供各式传感器应用的开发服务, 以提供传感器最具竞争力及最高质量的产品与服务.
未来, UniSense 联兴微系统科技也将陆续提供各式应用所需的控制芯片, 达成将传感器数字化的目标, 提供传感器最佳及最简化的应用, 以期能增加生活上各式传感器的应用, 提供更便利, 多元的生活型态.
UniSense Microsystems Technology Co., Ltd. is a fab-less MEMS product company. The company provides superior designs in the many types of sensing devices including pressure, temperature, humidity and other physical sensors. UniSense also offers Integrated Sensors which put the sensor, signal conditioning and control ASIC in one SIP (System-in-package) package. The Integrated Sensors are easy to use, accurate and cost effective.
The applications of UniSense Sensors include:
Medical devices: such as blood pressure gauge, oxygen tank gauge, etc.
IT devices: such as notebook computers, projectors, disk drives, etc.
Consumer Electronics: such as cell phone, GPS, electronic compass, weather station, etc.
Automotive Sensors: such as tire pressure sensor, MAP and BAP, etc.
UniSense has established strong manufacturing infrastructure right in the center of Asian supply chain clusters. Through its alliance with leading MEMS wafer foundries and major IC assembly houses, UniSense offers its products in the highest quality and the most effective mass production cost.
UniSense team has deep expertise in the MEMS technology. Many of them have been involved in the fields for more than 10 to 20 years. UniSense vision is to provide accurate, smart sensor modules to our customers and to build products that help everyone living in a healthy and comfortable lifestyle.
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